Carol Friedland - Expert - Louisiana

Carol Friedland


Carol J. Friedland is an Associate Professor at Louisiana State University specializing in construction management. Previously, she was a Project Engineer, Field Engineer, and Estimator.

Friedland’s research interests include combined hurricane wind and flood interactions on structures; hazard-resistant construction and mitigation; performance of housing and other built infrastructure subjected to natural hazards; post-hurricane hazard (e.g. wind, storm surge) and damage data acquisition; remote sensing of building damage from natural hazards; and rapid, efficient data collection, storage, and processing.

Friedland’s work appears in numerous journal publications, including the Journal of Architectural Engineering, International Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, and Journal of Structural Engineering. She has presented at many conferences nationwide.

A Professional Engineer and ASFPM Certified Floodplain Manager, Friedland is a Member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, American Association of Wind Engineers (AAWE), Association of State Floodplain Managers, and American Society for Engineering Education.

Friedland is a member of the ASCE Technical Council on Wind Engineering (TCWE); ASCE Coasts, Oceans, Ports & Rivers Institute (COPRI); and the ASCE Structural Engineering Institute (SEI). She sits on the Structural Wind Engineering Committee (SWEC); ASCE 7 Standard Flood Loads Subcommittee; ASCE 24 Standard Committee for Flood Resistant Design and Construction; ASCE Technical Activities Committee on Dynamic Effects; Multiple Hazard Mitigation Committee; and the Steering Committee for the Americas Conference on Wind Engineering (12ACWE). Previously, she served on the ASCE Energy Division, Petrochemical Committee, Task Committee on Wind-Induced Forces.


Doctor of Philosophy in Civil Engineering, Louisiana State University
Master of Science in Civil Engineering, Louisiana State University
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, University of Wyoming