Jennifer Jurado
“Sea level rise presents diverse, complex challenges to southeast Florida, with flooding and water-supply impacts that extend from the coast to the Everglades. Resilience to these impacts requires a community-wide response, including updated planning standards, enhanced flood protection measures, and coordinated infrastructure improvements. These investments will reduce flood risk, enhance community livability, and foster the continued economic vitality of the region.”
Dr. Jennifer Jurado oversees regional climate resilience planning within Broward County and the activities of Broward County Climate Change Task Force. She has been instrumental in the adoption of Broward’s Community-wide Climate Change Action Plan and the integration of climate science in policy and planning. She has guided the development of advanced hydrologic models to water supply planning and effective water resource management under current and future conditions, and has recently negotiated an agreement with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to evaluate planning needs and resiliency standards for coastal Broward County.
Jurado was instrumental in the formation of the Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact, a nationally recognized four-county collaboration that focuses on building regional climate resiliency. She also represents the County on the Staff Steering Committee. As staff to the county’s Water Advisory Board, Jurado has helped foster conversations about the predicted impacts of sea level rise and climate change on water supply, including the influence of sea level rise on saltwater intrusion, coastal potable water supplies, drainage and flood control systems, as well as impacts of tidal flooding, extreme rainfall and drought.
Jurado has also served as staff to the President’s Task Force on Climate Preparedness and Resilience (2014-2015) and has been recognized by the White House as a Champion of Change for her leadership on climate resilience. She has been invited to speak on climate resilience and the importance of regional collaboration at various domestic and international workshops and symposia. She serves on the board for the American Society of Adaptation Professionals and the American Geophysical Union’s Thriving Earth Exchange.
Doctor of Philosophy, Marine Biology and Fisheries, Rosenstiel School of Maine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami
Bachelor of Science, Marine Science and Biology, University of Miami